what is truffle? What does the truffle taste like? what trees do truffles grow on?

The truffle is a mushroom that grows  underground feeding in symbiosis on the roots of trees

what trees do truffles grow on?

These trees can be oaks, limes and willows among other species. Truffles can be found at different depths, from the root of the surface to 30 centimeters. The maturation time can vary from two to six months depending on the species of truffle, the type of soil and the climate. The symbiotic exchange of nutrients occurs at the level of mycorrhizae. These symbiotic organs once formed, emit colonizing hyphae that spread the infection to other root tips, which also spread through the root cortex. Mycorrhizae are organs in which trees and fungi coexist. The connection between the fungus and the root is established through an intercellular network called the Hartig network.

The trees provide the truffles with sugars (carbohydrates) produced by photosynthesis, while the fungi provide the trees with mineral salts (phosphorus). The tree manages to support high levels of calcium and better manage its humidity.

The truffle is collected by the Truffle Hunters or Trifulao (in Italian), helped by dogs with a very fine sense of smell and well trained to recognize its aroma.

what trees do white alba magnatum pico truffle grow on?

There are many species of truffles, of which the most valuable is the white tuber magnatum pico truffle with a color ranging from pale yellow to ocher.

Alba white truffle tuber Magnetum Pico can grow on the following types of trees: alder, chestnut, hazel, Byzantine hazel, hornbeam, poplar, French oak, downy oak, English oak, tughera, white willow, Apennine willow, willow, willow ripaiolo, red willow, wild linden, common linden and hybrid linden.

what trees do black perigord tuber melanosporum truffle grow?

The black winter truffle black perigord truffle or melanosporum viitadini is the most prized among the black truffles, there are also black truffles for autumn and summer.

The black truffle de perigord tuber melanosporum can grow on the following types of trees: Neapolitan alder, hornbeam, white cistus, red cistus, beech, common fumana, thorny oak, spania oak, holm oak, cork oak, chestnut, hazel, Byzantine hazel, hornbeam, poplar, downy oak, downy oak, oak, tughera, willow, linden, common linden, hybrid linden

What does the truffle taste like?

The flavor of truffles varies depending on their variety, likewise their flavor is qualified by umami, a flavor beyond what we are used to describing: salty, sweet, bitter, acid.

What does the Alba white truffle taste like?

Alba's white truffle has an unmistakable and indescribable, in which the floral aroma of honey, the pungent smell of garlic and a mature cheese.

What does the Périgord black truffle taste like?

The aroma of the black melanosporum truffle is of humus and mushrooms, imagine yourself walking through the forest in winter in the rainy season, you will feel the smell of the moist earth, the mushrooms, the soil, the mold. We could say that the black Périgord truffle has a concentrated aroma of the forest in winter.

The ripening time for the black melanosporum truffle is between mid-December and mid-March.

Truffles Qualities and Categories

Extras Truffles:

These truffles have a regular shape, 95% of the skin is free of imperfections, so the samples obtained have a good visual appearance, they can be grated with a mandolin and all the slices are round and symmetrical.

Truffles First category:

The truffles are irregularly shaped and 80% of the skin is free of imperfections. Irregular in shape, but of good quality and excellent aroma.

Second category truffles:

These truffles are usually defective and/or irregular, they may also have lost a piece due to insects that have eaten this delicacy, these truffles are cut into slices or thin slices directly to serve in dishes or preparations.

frequently asked questions about truffles

Can truffles be farmed /be grown?

Yes, truffles can be cultivated, there are different types of trees with mycorrhized roots with different types of truffles, the average time for these trees to start producing truffles is 8 years, this is one of the reasons why truffles are so expensive

An analysis of the type of soil must be made before planting the truffle trees, they need calcareous clay soils with a certain PH

Can truffles be frozen?

If the truffles can be frozen to be able to enjoy them throughout the year, the ideal would be to cut them into slices, store them under vacuum and then freeze them

Can truffles go bad?

Once harvested, the truffles should ideally be consumed between 7 and 10 days, this is one of the reasons why they are so expensive.

They can be preserved in oil, in brine, with cognac. They can also be dehydrated or preserved in butter.

why are truffles expensives?

Truffles are so expensive because due to the difficulty of finding or cultivating them and also because it is a perennial product, once collected it must be consumed quickly.

how truffles grow?

How truffles are found?

To find truffles we need the help of trained dogs, pigs were used in the past, they have a more developed sense of smell than dogs, the drawback is that pigs love truffles and you have to be very careful that they do not eat them.

There is also a type of winter fly for the more experienced, who expect the fly to settle on the ground to locate the truffles.

How truffles are harvested?

The truffles are harvested with the help of dogs trained for this purpose, depending on the type and  season.

How truffles are formed?

The truffle, the result of a symbiosis between a tree and a mushroom. The truffle is the fruiting body of an underground fungus that has a symbiotic relationship with certain trees called truffle growers: the tree feeds the fungus, and the fungus in turn helps the tree better absorb nutrients. 

How truffles taste like?

this depends on the type of truffle, not all truffles have the same flavor.

What truffles are in season?


There are truffles in all seasons, the white truffle being more powerful in taste, which is found in autumn, and the black truffle of Périgord, which is found in winter.

What truffles do pigs find?

 pigs can find all kinds of truffles they have a sense of smell 10 times more powerful than that of dogs, the drawback is that pigs eat truffles quickly when they find them

What truffles are most expensive?

Alba white truffle is the most expensive truffle in the world, the price ranges from €4,500 to more than €5,000 per kilo depending on the season

when are truffles season in italy?

There are truffles in all seasons, alba autumn white truffle, melanosporum perogord truffle and brumale are black winter truffle, bianchetto white spring truffle, aestivum black summer truffle

When are truffles harvested in italy?

The Black Truffle Tuber Melanosporum is a winter truffle, is harvested from December to March.

The White Truffle Tuber Magnatum Pico is a autumn truffle, is harvested from October to December.

The White Truffle Bianchetto Tuber Borchii is a spring truffle, is harvested from March to June.

The Black Truffle Tuber Aestivium is a summer truffle, is harvested from June to September.

Where does truffles grow?

In general, they need a calcareous clay soil.

where truffles are found?

In Europe the Alba white truffle in the Italian Piedmont area, can also be found in Croatia.

The black truffle melanosporum in France in the Perigord, in Italy and Spain.

which truffles are the best?

The Alba white truffle is considered the best and rarest of the world, therefore the most expensive, its price ranges from 5,000 euros per kilo.

which truffles are the most expensive?

The Alba truffle, followed by the Périgord black truffle.

which truffles are vegan? 

All truffles are vegan, with mushrooms that grow on the roots of the trees.

Oak trees, hornbeams, hazelnuts, but also limes, poplars, holm oaks and cork oaks. 

who finds truffles?

In italy called tartufaios ,with the indispensable collaboration of a well-trained dog

why truffles are expensive?

It is a fungus that grows in special conditions, at different times, difficult to find and produce

why are truffles so rare?

Truffles need specific soil and climate conditions

why are truffles illegal?

Searching for truffles without a permit is illegal and is punishable by very high fines.

can truffles be frozen?

The truffles can be frozen, for a better conservation before freezing they should be stored under vacuum

can truffles be cultivated? 

Yes ,the truffles can be cultivated

how long will truffles keep? 

Once the truffle is harvested, it must be consumed as quickly as possible. If not, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 10 days or frozen.

truffles is halal ,vegetarian and vegane because is a mushroom